[] Last update: 2025-03-24 07:32:26 +0000

Tomohiro Manabe

Research Interests and Selected Publications

Logical structure of tree-structured documents

Effective and efficient evaluation of document rankings

All publications in English / All publications

Career Summary

2004. 4. 1 - 2007. 3. 1 : Student in the general education curriculum of Tokushima Prefectural Joto Senior High School
2007. 4. 1 - 2011. 3.24 : Student of Undergraduate School of Informatics and Mathematical Science of Faculty of Engineering of Kyoto University
2008. 4. 1 - 2011. 3.24 : Student in Computer Science Course of the same school
2010. 4. 9 - 2016. 3.23 : Member of Digital Library Group (or Tanaka Laboratory or Tanaka and Tajima Laboratory) in
Social Information Model Division of Department of Social Informatics of Graduate School of Informatics of Kyoto University
2010. 4.12 - 2016. 3. 9 : Advised by Prof. Keishi Tajima
2011. 4. 1 - 2013. 3.23 : Master course student of the same dept.
2013. 4. 1 - 2016. 3.23 : Doctoral student of the same dept.
2013. 4. 1 - 2016. 3.31 : Research fellow (DC1) of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
2016. 4. 1 - 2023. 9.30 : Yahoo Japan Corporation
2020.11. 1 - 2021. 9.30 : ZOZO Technologies, Inc.
2021.10. 1 - 2024. 8.31 : ZOZO, Inc.
2023.10. 1 - current : LY Corporation

Other Activities

2007. 4.28 - 2009.12.19 : Member of Yukidaruma-pro, an official filmmaking circle of Kyoto University
YouTube: yukidarumapro - YouTube
2011. 8.25 - 2011.9.20 : Intern at former Cyber Solution Laboratory of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
Theme: Information extraction from web contents
2011. 9.27 - 2011.9.29 : Student of Kyoto University Summer Design School 2011
Theme: Designing an HTML editor - not for the image conscious
2011.10. 4 - 2012. 1.31 : Teaching assistant of Hardware and Software Laboratory Project 2 at Faculty of Engineering of Kyoto University
2012. 5 - 2012. 9 : Staff of Kyoto University Summer Design School 2012
2012.10. 2 - 2013. 1.23 : Teaching assistant of Hardware and Software Laboratory Project 2 at Faculty of Engineering of Kyoto University
2013. 3.11 - 2016. 3.31 : Student member of the Database Society of Japan
2013. 6.28 - 2016. 3.31 : Obtained JSPS KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows), 3,300,000 yen in total
Research Project: A Study on Block-Level Web Search (Grant Number: 13J06384)
2014. 3.15 - 2014. 3.16 : Guest lecturer of Digital Design Workshop at Kyoto University Spring Design School 2014
2016. 4. 1 - current : Member of the Database Society of Japan
2016. 5.17     : TOEIC IP score 830
2016. 7.20     : Linux Professional Institute Certified Level 1
2016. 8 - 2017.12 : Organizer of the NTCIR-13 OpenLiveQ task
2018. 2.24 - current : Member of Tokyo ACM SIGIR Chapter
2018. 3 - 2019. 6 : Organizer of the NTCIR-14 OpenLiveQ-2 task
2020.10 - 2025. 9 : Member of the “Human-Centred Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems” Research Unit at University of Tsukuba
2021. 4 - 2025. 3 : Member of Editorial Committee of IPSJ Magazine at the Information Processing Society of Japan

Program Committee Member

Guest Lecturer